Bus Valky - Kamianka:
flights, tickets, prices, route, bus stations

Bus ticketsfrom Valkyto KamiankaBus tickets Valky - Kamianka
22 decembersunday
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Departure time
Time on the road
Arrival time
No additional fees
02 Sep, Mon
ave. Heroyiv Chornobyl, 15
07 hr 25 min
02 Sep, Mon
Hoholya, str.1
1102.89 ₴
1213.30 ₴
Carrier: Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 07 hr 25 min
  • Trip: № 018М
  • Carrier: Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
    Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 5 tickets left
      There are 5 tickets left
    • Transit for the station
      Transit for the station
    More details
  • 1 bus routes are available on the route Valky - Kamianka 1 carriers1 bus routes are available on the route Valky - Kamianka 1 carriers
  • Of these, 0 are direct flights, and 1 are transit.Of these, 0 are direct flights, and 1 are transit.
  • Bus ticket prices Valky - Kamianka from 1102.89 ₴ to 1102.89 ₴.Bus ticket prices Valky - Kamianka from 1102.89 ₴ to 1102.89 ₴.
  • Average travel time: 07 hr 25 min with the fastest flight 07 hr 25 min.Average travel time: 07 hr 25 min with the fastest flight 07 hr 25 min.
  • Earliest arrival to Kamianka: 14:55, station Kamyanka.Earliest arrival to Kamianka: 14:55, station Kamyanka.
  • Latest arrival to Kamianka: 14:55, station Kamyanka.Latest arrival to Kamianka: 14:55, station Kamyanka.
  • Average ticket price: 1158.10 ₴.Average ticket price: 1158.10 ₴.
  • The route of the bus Valky - Kamianka can be viewed in the detailed information on the flight.The route of the bus Valky - Kamianka can be viewed in the detailed information on the flight.
The cheapest
The cheapest
  • 07:30
    02 Sep, Mon
    ave. Heroyiv Chornobyl, 15
  • 14:55
    02 Sep, Mon
    Hoholya, str.1
Carrier: Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
1102.89 ₴
1213.30 ₴
The fastest
The fastest
  • 07:30
    02 Sep, Mon
    ave. Heroyiv Chornobyl, 15
  • 14:55
    02 Sep, Mon
    Hoholya, str.1
Carrier: Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
1102.89 ₴
1213.30 ₴
Early arrival
Early arrival
  • 07:30
    02 Sep, Mon
    ave. Heroyiv Chornobyl, 15
  • 14:55
    02 Sep, Mon
    Hoholya, str.1
Carrier: Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
1102.89 ₴
1213.30 ₴
Late arrival
Late arrival
  • 07:30
    02 Sep, Mon
    ave. Heroyiv Chornobyl, 15
  • 14:55
    02 Sep, Mon
    Hoholya, str.1
Carrier: Пеньора Іван Дмитрович ФОП
1102.89 ₴
1213.30 ₴