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Privacy Policy

inBusPrivacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Treaty public offer for the provision of services for registration of tickets in the bus passenger transport, which you enter into with the company CODRIVE at the time of purchase of the ticket on the bus in the mobile application Inbus or on site Inbus. ua or the use of application and site data...

This policy of confidentiality is designed, to tell you:

  • what is personal data

  • What is your personal data we collect

  • what way, and why we have them use

  • to whom we transfer your personal data

  • any way we protect your privacy and your personal data

  • how to contact to contact and to whom to turn, if at you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data

Link to this Policy Privacy on "CODRIVE", "we", "us", "our", "us" means COMPANY WITH LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "CODRIVE" (a company registered in Ukraine 27 January 2016 city of, to the odes EDRPOU 40234814, Law and the actual address of 03069, Ukraine, Kyiv, Montazhnykiv st., 72).



We seriously relate to the security of personal data of our customers (users of mobile applications Inbus or website and in Inbus. U a, passengers, prospective passengers and other persons who applied to CODRIVE with any request or claim), so strive to protect the confidentiality of your personal data. CODRIVE undertakes to take all necessary measures to prevent the misuse of your personal data that becomes known to us. We will process your personal data in strict accordance with the requirements of applicable law and only if there is a legal basis for such processing.

You are not required to provide us with personal data, but without certain information about you, we will not be able to provide you with some of our services. For example, if you refuse to provide information that is mandatory for transportation, we will not be able to sell bus tickets, since such information is mandatory according to the rules of carriers or bus stations.

In case, if we control the ways of collecting your personal data and define goals for which the personal data are used CODRIVE acts "controller data" for the purposes of the General Regulations of the Protection of Information EC 2016/679 (EU of General the Data Protection Regulation, on "GDPR" ) and other applicable European legislation on the protection of data, as well as "the owner of the personal data" in the sense of the Law of Ukraine " about protection of personal data" from 01.06.2010, the № 2297-VI.

We treat your personal data only in case, if fulfilled one of the conditions specified in Article 6 GDPR, in fact including, but not limited to:

  • You have consented to the processing of personal data

  • processing is necessary in order to conclude or execute a carriage contract with you or provide you with other services and services

  • such processing is required by the legislation of countries in which / from which is carried out sending flights and others

When the processing of special categories of personal data (eg, data about health) is due to be carried out on at least one of the conditions specified in Article 9 GDPR (eg, legibly th agreement on the provision of such data or the need s of certain services in connection with the state in your health).

We may periodically update the policy of confidentiality, in fact including, if this requires the applicable legislation. Therefore, we ask that you visit the site CODRIVE, to ensure in fact that you have the relevant information.



Personal data - is any information of a personal nature, which allows a third party to identify the physical person (the subject of the data).

Special categories of personal data - this is the so -called "sensitive" personal data, which can cause harm to subject these to work, in educational establishments, in the environment habitat, or may lead to its discrimination in society. For example, this personal data, containing information about the racial origin, political or religious views on membership in trade unions, on the state of health, sexual life, biometric or genetic data. In the terminology of Ukrainian legislation, these are personal data, the processing of which carries a particular risk for the subjects of personal data.

The subject of personal data - is a natural person, Kotor th concern personal data and Kotor CSOs can identify and Kotor th already identified about for this personal data.

The controller of personal data - is a natural or legal person, which determines the purpose and means of the processing of personal data and carries the main responsibility for their treatment. The personal data controller is the "owner of personal data" in the terminology of Ukrainian legislation.

Processing of personal data - is a natural or legal person, which is on the basis of the instructions (instructions, orders), the controller processes the personal data to the controller. A personal data processor is a " personal data manager " in the terminology of Ukrainian legislation.

Processing of personal data - is any operation or set of operations, carried out with personal data, or arrays of personal data with the use or no use of automatic procedures, the same x as the collection, recording, ordering, structuring, storage, modification, ordering, viewing, use, dissemination or any other kind of access to third parties, in fact among the employees of the controller or the processor of personal data, as well as removal.



The processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data". Processing of personal data of customers, located in the territory of the EU or are citizens of the EU, it is governed, in particular, the General Regulations of the Protection of Information EC 2016/679 (hereinafter - "GDPR"). Also, the legislation of the countries in which flights are operated may establish additional requirements.



CODRIVE provides services for the sale and registration of th ticket on the bus in Ukraine, the countries of Europe. We need your personal data for the fact that we and our partners (carriers, avtostantsionnye enterprise, the online aggregator and etc. ) can provide you with quality transportation, avtostantsionny E service s and to provide other services in that particular, but not exclusively :

  • make a reservation and issue a ticket

  • inform you about the route and provide other important information about your orders

  • inform you about changes in transportation (for example, in case of a delay or cancellation of a flight)

  • accept you and your baggage for carriage

  • provide you with a full range of our services

  • have the opportunity to acquaint you with all our special offers regarding bus tickets and other services, including a compatible e share prices and CODRIVE and our partners

  • ensure the provision of services for servicing flights and passengers at the bus station

  • provide advisory assistance to the entrance / exit of the route of transportation

  • provide information support for your trip

  • to process your complaints and suggestions

  • improve our services, in that number by the survey of satisfaction with these services

Also, we can send you the push - notification, a Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and other posts with the help of a variety of OTT applications, SMS-messages, messages of other types / means of transmission for the order to tell you information about the voyage and learn about your wishes regarding the quality service during the time of purchase of the ticket or travel.

We ask you to report only those personal data that are necessary for the provision of selected your services / service, producing I an information distribution or reply to your specific request / complaint. At the same time, if you decide to provide us with additional personal data, we can also process it with the required level of protection.



In the table given below, you can find out what your personal data we are processing to provide you our services:




Buying a bus ticket

a) name

b) surname

c) phone

d) email

e) name, surname, phone of passengers traveling together with you

f) information about your chosen routes

Execution of the concluded contract

The Return it ticket

a) name

b) surname

c) phone

d) order number

e) ticket number

Execution of the concluded contract


Contests CODRIVE


The list of required personal data is always noted in the conditions of each competition. However, most of all processed such personal data:

a) name

b) surname

c) date of birth (age)

d) email

e) profile in social networks


Your consent



a) name

b) surname

c) ticket number

d) order number

e) phone

f) email

g) postal code

h) city

i) fiscal receipts / receipt of payment services

j) other personal data that you provide to us


Legitimate interests; Your consent


Your posts, messages, remarks, questions in social networks addressed to CODRIVE, as well as comments under the publications of CODRIVE or about CODRIVE in social networks

a) profile in social networks

b) nickname

c) speech of the appeal

d) correspondence

e) other personal data that you provide to us


Legitimate interests; Your consent


Visit the inBus website. ua or using a mobile app


a) IP address

b) on the website CODRIVE use cookies and similar technologies



Legitimate interests; Your consent


Sending commercial (marketing) messages *

a) email

b) name

c) surname

d ) phone

an e ) information about the order with the help of service inBus

Your consent

* Time of the time we can communicate with you to provide special offers bus tickets, information about the benefits of our services on the joint actions CODRIVE and partners, our news by e- mail and the direction of the survey with the aim of improving our services (products, services). You can unsubscribe from marketing mailing in each e-mail message that we send to you.

In addition to the above, we can handle any other personal data, if you they themselves voluntarily provide CODRIVE.

If the storage of your personal data is not is necessary for providing you the Service and is not required by law, we have them remove.



As a rule, we do not collect special categories of data about our customers, as well as collect, then we try to reduce their use to a minimum and treat them with exceptional care.

When granting you special services we can handle personal data with the help of which you can determine your physical or mental health. Such information refers to special or sensitive personal data in accordance with the law. We collect the personal data only in that case when it is necessary immediately to provide you the service transport, or you deliberately gave it to us.

For example, we may collect this information in the following cases:

For your safety or receiving special services - as in you have a certain state of health, you need to inform us about this and, if necessary, give us a medical certificate.

If you do not allow us to process any personal data of special categories, this may mean that we will not be able to provide you with the special services for which you have left a request with us.



We are aware of the importance of special protection s personal data of children. Mobi th application Inbus or website Inbus. ua not designed and directly is not focused on the fact that they used the children not reached the age of 16 years, and for some countries 13 or 14 years.

Although on the fact that we deliberately do not collect and do not process the personal data of persons not reached the specified higher age among our clients there are parents with children, who bought services and for children (for example, a service of carriage). In this case, we receive and process the personal data of children for the specified purpose. At the same time, parents or other persons ordering appropriate services for children are responsible for the relevance (correctness) of the data and the possibility of providing the corresponding service to the child. During the ordering process, the person who orders the service represents the legitimate interests of the child.



If you issue a ticket or order additional services on behalf of another person (s), you must first obtain their consent to the execution of the order, warning about the transfer of their personal data to CODRIVE, and accordingly inform us of their personal data. You bear the responsibility for the relevance (correctness) of these data. During the ordering process, you represent the legitimate interests of such a person. It also means that you must inform this person of ordering services and conditions s this Policy Privacy.

We inform you that each passenger in one order (when one order buys tickets for several people) will be able to partially see some personal data of other persons in the same booking. We have taken additional measures to prevent unlawful interference in the personal data, but each call th person to provide information about themselves and their Reservation and another person Dolj but understand the risks and their responsibilities, if personal data will be changed.

All operational messages sent by one party to the order, and will be sent to the other parties specified in the same order.

To prevent such disclosure of information, each passenger has the opportunity to make a separate order for the transportation service, specifying their contact information for communication.



CODRIVE has a large database of personal data. To ensure their safety, we use the services of Hetzner Online GmbH ( Industriestr. 25 91710 Gunzenhausen, Deutschland ). The data stored by Hetzner Online GmbH, located in the centers of processing data in Germany.

Some databases of personal data processed CODRIVE, placed on its own servers, which are located in the office in Ukraine: 03069, Kyiv, str. Montajnykyv, 72.



To order that you could use our services, we need to transfer your personal data to third parties, to which those who are:


In cases determined by law, we are obliged to share your personal data with government agencies. These authorities can be law enforcement agencies, border guards, immigration authorities of the countries to which you travel by purchasing tickets on inBus.

Carriers and bus stations

With the aim of ensuring transport some your personal data, we have to co- use with the providers of services transport and avtostantsionnyh services. Your personal data, we pass the specified companies only in those cases when they are involved in your first carriage.

Also, we provide access to your personal data to our developers system of reservation and registration of tickets, which are the processors of personal data with the aim of supporting the work of these systems.



In our mobile application or website, you can find links to third party websites or services. We draw your attention that the Policy Privacy CODRIVE not apply to the use of third-party websites, we do not assume responsibility for ensuring the confidentiality of such sites and recommend to read their policy of confidentiality (or other similar documents).



In order to securely store your personal data, we have implemented a variety of technical and organizational measures that protect personal data from unauthorized or illegal processing and from unintentional loss, destruction or damage.

CODRIVE adheres to the principle of minimizing personal data. We process only the information about you that is necessary for us to provide certain services, or information that you, with your consent, provide in excess of the necessary processing.

When transferring personal data to our counterparties and government agencies, we always use the safest and most proven ways of transferring such data.



We will not store your data for longer than is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is processed or to comply with statutory requirements.

To determine the appropriate period of storage, we define the nature and category of personal data, purpose for which we have them processed, and can if we are to achieve these goals with the help of other tools.

As a general rule, the time limit for processing personal data in our company is 2555 days from the date of filing tax returns for the period in which the corresponding transaction took place (for example, the sale of a ticket). The specified processing time complies with the provisions of the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the storage time of documents related to the calculation and payment of taxes and fees. Since the legislation of countries where / how carries transportation, may establish additional requirements, the terms of storage of personal data may be different from the specified in this paragraph.

In particular, if the law of any country, where / how carries transportation CODRIVE, contains provisions on the terms of the statute of limitations, in during which you have the right to submit a claim or lawsuit in CODRIVE, and we need evidence of the existence of legal relations between us, we can handle your personal data in during this period.

We must also consider the periods for which we may need to retain your personal information in order to comply with our legal obligations to you or to regulatory authorities.

We may, over time, minimize your personal data that we use, or we may even make your data anonymous so that it can no longer be associated with you personally. In this case, we will be able to use this information for statistical or other purposes without further informing you, since such information will cease to be personal data.



The cookies have - this small text files that store websites or mobile applications on your computer or mobile devices in the moment when you start to their use. In this way, website or mobi th application at the time will remember your features and actions that you performed, in that number for the fact that you do not need to have been re- enter the data. Our files cookies themselves by themselves do not identify the individual user, and identifies only the computer or mobile device that you are using.

Cookies and other technologies tracking on our website and applications can be used in various ways, for example, with the aim of operating a website / application, the analysis of attendance or in promotional purposes. We use cookies and other tracking technologies, in particular, to improve the quality and efficiency of our services.

To obtain more information about that, that is, the cookies have, how they work, how they operate and how they remove, go to

We inform you that in the settings of some Internet browsers, you can configure the prohibition of cookies and other tracking technologies. At this you should understand that, if you turn off some of the files, the cookies have, the functionality of the site Inbus. ua and our mobile applications may be limited and you will not be able to use all of its advantages, but also can be incorrect work of some services, in fact including registration tickets.



The rights of subjects of personal data in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine :

  • know about the sources of collection, locating, and their personal data, purpose of their processing, locating and or places of e residence (stay) the owner or administrator of the personal data or give the appropriate instructions on obtaining this information, authorized by them persons, except in cases established by law

  • receive information about the conditions of access to personal data, including information about the third persons who provided his personal data

  • on access to their personal data

  • receive not later than for thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases stipulated by law, the answer to that kaie processed his personal data, as well as to obtain the content of such personal data

  • present a reasoned demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of their personal data

  • present a reasoned demand to change or destroy your personal data by any owner and manager of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are unreliable

  • on the protection of their personal data from the unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction and damage in connection with the deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely their provision, as well as on the protection of the provision of information which is inaccurate or defaming the honor, dignity and business reputation of physical persons

  • contact with complaints on the processing of their personal data to the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the rights of the person or in the court

  • use means of legal protection in case of violation of legislation on protection of personal data

  • make reservations about limiting the right to process your personal data when giving consent

  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data

  • know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data

  • to defend against an automated solution that has legal implications for it



We are ready to provide the subjects of the data information on whether any of their personal data, we are processing.

If you bude so desire to know what your personal data we are processing, you can make a request to the information at any time, in fact including, by reference to the officer on the protection of data CODRIVE. The list of data that we need you to provide, you can find in Articles 13 and 14 GDPR. At this, when treatment you should tell us your concrete requirements, so that we could on legitimate grounds to consider your request and provide a response.

Please note that in case, if we are not able to verify your identity by exchanging electronic messages, or during the time of your treatment in a call - center, or in the case of reasonable doubt regarding your identity, we may ask you to submit a document certifying personality. Only in this way we will be able to avoid the publicity of your personal data the person who can grant yourself for you.

We will process requests in the shortest possible time frame, but at the same time, please remember that granting full s and Valid 's response s with respect to personal data - is a complex process, which can last for up to a month.

The right to correction of data about you

If you find that some of the personal data that we are processing about you is incorrect or out of date, please inform us about it, in fact including through the officer for protection of data CODRIVE. In this case, we may ask you to provide an identity document.

In some cases, we will not be able to change your personal data. In particular, such a case may be when your personal data has already been used in the process of fulfilling the contract of carriage and / or it is contained in a tax document that was drawn up in accordance with tax legislation.

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data and the right to be forgotten

In case, if CODRIVE handles your personal data on the basis of the consent to the processing of personal data (in particular, with the aim of marketing mailings), further processing can be in any time to stop. It is sufficient to withdraw your consent to such processing.

You also can use their right to oblivion. In the cases provided for in Art. 17 GDPR, CODRIVE will destroy your personal data that it processes, with the exception of personal data that we will be obliged to keep in accordance with the requirements of the law.

So the same and in this case, in view of safety, CODRIVE may ask you to submit a document certifying personality.

Deleting a user account
If you want to delete the account with all personal data, it is enough to notify KODRIVE through the feedback form, to an e-mail or postal address.
For security purposes, KODRIVE may ask you to provide an identity document.


Officer for protecting data (DPO) CODRIVE

For reliable protection of personal data in CODRIVE appointed officer for protection of data (DPO). If you have you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the protection and the proces is, your personal data, you can refer to the DPO:

Minakov Konstantin


03069, Ukraine, Kyiv, Montazhnykiv st., 72


Be sure to indicate in all correspondence your name, surname, address of the e- mail address, as well as detailed questions, comments, complaints or demands.

The administrative body for the protection of personal data in Ukraine is the Office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Secretariat of the Authorized Person of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights. You can refer to him with complaints or suggestions, if you think that was violated your rights in connection with the processing of personal data.