Bus Kyiv - Warsaw:
flights, tickets, prices, route, bus stations

Bus ticketsfrom Kyivto WarsawBus tickets Kyiv - Warsaw
27 julysaturday
Return route:Warsaw - Kyiv from 999.90 ₴
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Departure time
Time on the road
Arrival time
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
14 hr 40 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1650.00 ₴
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 14 hr 40 min
  • Trip: № 9980
    Дніпро — Свіноуйсьце
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 5 tickets left
      There are 5 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
19 hr 00 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 19 hr 00 min
  • Trip: № 6114
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 52 tickets left
      There are 52 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
19 hr 15 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 19 hr 15 min
  • Trip: № 6115
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 52 tickets left
      There are 52 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
17 hr 00 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1299.87 ₴
1430.00 ₴
Bus model:
Далекого сполучення
Trip route
In transit: 17 hr 00 min
  • Trip: № 1100
    Суми "Львівські Круасани"-Щецин АВ РЕЙС БЕЗ ПЕРЕСАДКИ
  • Bus model:
    Далекого сполучення
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 20 tickets left
      There are 20 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
19 hr 45 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 19 hr 45 min
  • Trip: № 8892
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 16 tickets left
      There are 16 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
21 hr 30 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 21 hr 30 min
  • Trip: № 8896
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 28 tickets left
      There are 28 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
18 hr 50 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1249.88 ₴
1375.00 ₴
Carrier: ТОВ МКТ Зесен Транс
Bus model:
Van Hool ZesenTrans
Trip route
In transit: 18 hr 50 min
  • Trip: № 1219
    Київ АС (центральний Зал. вокзал)-Познань АВ По рейсу можлива заміна автобуса у місті Львів
  • Carrier: ТОВ МКТ Зесен Транс
    ТОВ МКТ Зесен Транс
  • Bus model:
    Van Hool ZesenTrans
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 28 tickets left
      There are 28 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
17 hr 00 min
23 June, Sun
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 17 hr 00 min
  • Trip: № 6114
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 52 tickets left
      There are 52 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
17 hr 15 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 17 hr 15 min
  • Trip: № 6115
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 52 tickets left
      There are 52 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
16 hr 30 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1299.87 ₴
1430.00 ₴
Bus model:
Далекого сполучення
Trip route
In transit: 16 hr 30 min
  • Trip: № 1100
    Суми "Львівські Круасани"-Щецин АВ РЕЙС БЕЗ ПЕРЕСАДКИ
  • Bus model:
    Далекого сполучення
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 20 tickets left
      There are 20 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
15 hr 30 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Prosto Bus Plus (ПП "АВТОТРАНЗИТ")
Bus model:
Далекого сполучення
Trip route
In transit: 15 hr 30 min
  • Trip: № 9064
    Кривий Ріг АС1-Щецин АВ
  • Carrier: Prosto Bus Plus (ПП "АВТОТРАНЗИТ")
    Prosto Bus Plus (ПП "АВТОТРАНЗИТ")
  • Bus model:
    Далекого сполучення
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 27 tickets left
      There are 27 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
17 hr 45 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 17 hr 45 min
  • Trip: № 8892
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 16 tickets left
      There are 16 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
19 hr 30 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 19 hr 30 min
  • Trip: № 8896
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 28 tickets left
      There are 28 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
19 hr 00 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1199.88 ₴
1320.00 ₴
Carrier: ТОВ МКТ Зесен Транс
Bus model:
Van Hool ZesenTrans
Trip route
In transit: 19 hr 00 min
  • Trip: № 1219
    Київ АС (центральний Зал. вокзал)-Познань АВ По рейсу можлива заміна автобуса у місті Львів
  • Carrier: ТОВ МКТ Зесен Транс
    ТОВ МКТ Зесен Транс
  • Bus model:
    Van Hool ZesenTrans
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 28 tickets left
      There are 28 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No fee
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
21 hr 45 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw (Airport Modlin)
Generala Wiktora Thommee
1899.81 ₴
2090.00 ₴
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
Bus model:
Trip route
In transit: 21 hr 45 min
  • Trip: № 6115
    Київ АВ "Центральний"-Варшава АВ Заходня З тваринам проїзд на рейсі не дозволений
  • Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
    Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
  • Bus model:
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 52 tickets left
      There are 52 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
Connecting route
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
19 hr 50 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1349.87 ₴
1485.00 ₴
Carrier: Меньок Н.І., ФОП
Bus model:
MAN, 49 seats
Trip route
In transit: 19 hr 50 min
  • Trip: № 24-001
    Київ - Варшава
  • Carrier: Меньок Н.І., ФОП
    Меньок Н.І., ФОП
  • Bus model:
    MAN, 49 seats
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 10 tickets left
      There are 10 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No additional fees
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
15 hr 20 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: "ПАН-БУС", ТОВ
Bus model:
Scania, 49 seats
Trip route
In transit: 15 hr 20 min
  • Trip: № 138-01
    Київ - Варшава
  • Carrier: "ПАН-БУС", ТОВ
    "ПАН-БУС", ТОВ
  • Bus model:
    Scania, 49 seats
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 7 tickets left
      There are 7 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No additional fees
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS
Nauky av., 1/2
16 hr 10 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw West
Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
999.90 ₴
1100.00 ₴
Carrier: Бринцов С.В., ФОП
Bus model:
Mercedes , 57 seats
Trip route
In transit: 16 hr 10 min
  • Trip: № 131-01
    Київ - Варшава
  • Carrier: Бринцов С.В., ФОП
    Бринцов С.В., ФОП
  • Bus model:
    Mercedes , 57 seats
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 6 tickets left
      There are 6 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
Connecting route
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS Kyiv
st. Simona Petliuri, 32
18 hr 35 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1349.87 ₴
1485.00 ₴
Carrier: Меньок Н.І., ФОП
Bus model:
MAN, 49 seats
Trip route
In transit: 18 hr 35 min
  • Trip: № 24-001
    Київ - Варшава
  • Carrier: Меньок Н.І., ФОП
    Меньок Н.І., ФОП
  • Bus model:
    MAN, 49 seats
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 10 tickets left
      There are 10 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No additional fees
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS Kyiv
st. Simona Petliuri, 32
16 hr 30 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Carrier: "ПАН-БУС", ТОВ
Bus model:
Scania, 49 seats
Trip route
In transit: 16 hr 30 min
  • Trip: № 138-01
    Київ - Варшава
  • Carrier: "ПАН-БУС", ТОВ
    "ПАН-БУС", ТОВ
  • Bus model:
    Scania, 49 seats
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 7 tickets left
      There are 7 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
No additional fees
23 June, Sun
Kyiv BS Kyiv
st. Simona Petliuri, 32
14 hr 30 min
24 June, Mon
Warsaw Airport Chopina
st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
999.90 ₴
1100.00 ₴
Carrier: Бринцов С.В., ФОП
Bus model:
Mercedes , 57 seats
Trip route
In transit: 14 hr 30 min
  • Trip: № 131-01
    Київ - Варшава
  • Carrier: Бринцов С.В., ФОП
    Бринцов С.В., ФОП
  • Bus model:
    Mercedes , 57 seats
    • The carrier provides an electronic ticket
      The carrier provides an electronic ticket
    • There are 6 tickets left
      There are 6 tickets left
    • Formed at the station
      Formed at the station
    More details
  • 21 bus routes are available on the route Kyiv - Warsaw 8 carriers21 bus routes are available on the route Kyiv - Warsaw 8 carriers
  • Of these, 21 are direct flights, and 0 are transit.Of these, 21 are direct flights, and 0 are transit.
  • Bus ticket prices Kyiv - Warsaw from 999.90 ₴ to 1899.81 ₴.Bus ticket prices Kyiv - Warsaw from 999.90 ₴ to 1899.81 ₴.
  • Average travel time: 17 hr 51 min with the fastest flight 14 hr 30 min.Average travel time: 17 hr 51 min with the fastest flight 14 hr 30 min.
  • Earliest arrival to Warsaw: 23:00, station Warsaw West.Earliest arrival to Warsaw: 23:00, station Warsaw West.
  • Latest arrival to Warsaw: 18:00, station Warsaw Airport Chopina.Latest arrival to Warsaw: 18:00, station Warsaw Airport Chopina.
  • Average ticket price: 1486.00 ₴.Average ticket price: 1486.00 ₴.
  • The route of the bus Kyiv - Warsaw can be viewed in the detailed information on the flight.The route of the bus Kyiv - Warsaw can be viewed in the detailed information on the flight.
The cheapest
The cheapest
  • 14:00
    23 June, Sun
    Kyiv BS
    Nauky av., 1/2
  • 06:10
    24 June, Mon
    Warsaw West
    Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
Carrier: Бринцов С.В., ФОП
999.90 ₴
1100.00 ₴
The fastest
The fastest
  • 14:40
    23 June, Sun
    Kyiv BS Kyiv
    st. Simona Petliuri, 32
  • 05:10
    24 June, Mon
    Warsaw Airport Chopina
    st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
Carrier: Бринцов С.В., ФОП
999.90 ₴
1100.00 ₴
Early arrival
Early arrival
  • 06:00
    23 June, Sun
    Kyiv BS
    Nauky av., 1/2
  • 23:00
    23 June, Sun
    Warsaw West
    Al. Jerozolimskie, 144
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴
Late arrival
Late arrival
  • 20:30
    23 June, Sun
    Kyiv BS
    Nauky av., 1/2
  • 18:00
    24 June, Mon
    Warsaw Airport Chopina
    st. Zwirki i Wigury, 1
Carrier: Павлюк Л.В. ФОП / Pavluks-Trans
1499.85 ₴
1650.00 ₴